- 类 别:85
- 参考价格:6万
- 产 地:枣庄
- 产品规格:.DCS-Z-S-50
- 商标时间:0001年01月01日
- 点击次数:1320
DCS-Z-S-50 单斗包装秤,通过仪表自动控制,实现双速给料,保证下料速度和精度,自动化程度高,工作可靠,操作简单。仪表灵敏度高,采样速度快,软件功能强,有标准接口可与计算机通讯。
DCS-Z-S-50 single-bucket packaging scale can achieve two-speed feeding through the meter self-control to ensure the cutting speed and accuracy. It has a high degree of automation, reliable work and simple operation. The meter is of high sensitivity, sampling speed, software function, and a standard interface with the computer communications.
u 采用先进的微电脑控制仪表
u 误差自动修正、超差报警、故障源自动诊断等功